Friendship is a key
Friends don't lie
My friends make me happy
Friends are hard to find
My friends would do anything for me
My friends would help with anything I needed
I can always count on my friends
My friends make me smile when I am down
You always need a friend in your live
Friends are people who keep you company
Friends stand by me when times are tough
My friends would be there if I was hurt
Friends make me feel good inside
My friends are good fun
I like to be with my Friends
My Friends are good to be around
Friends work together
Friendship is special
My friends are crazy.
Hello Emily my name is Hope from Waikowhai Primary School.I really like your poem about friends because in Week 8 we are going to do a poem challenge. The reason why I like it is, because when you read it, it really sounds good and that is how people will know you love your friends. Maybe next time you could change the colour and the font.